<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %> <% 'Redirection depending on the domain. call landing_pages() '************************************************************************* ' Function : About Us ' Version : 1.0 ' Modified : June 2005 ' Copyright : Copyright (C) 2005 http://www.cendyn.com ' Author : jcardena@cendyn.com '************************************************************************* 'Option explicit Response.Buffer = true %> <% ID_Navigation = "Home_Page" %> <% ID_Page_Photo = "Home" %>

<% call Site_Content()%> <% Sub landing_pages() url=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") if url=lcase("www.timelessberryhill.com") or url=lcase("timelessberryhill.com") then response.Redirect("http://www.berryhillplantationresort.com/unique/packages_timelessberryhill.asp") 'Code will help to track reffereal on Live Stats. %> <% end if if url=lcase("www.berryhillinn.com") or url=lcase("berryhillinn.com") then response.Redirect("http://www.berryhillplantationresort.com") 'Code will help to track reffereal on Live Stats. %> <% end if if url=lcase("www.berryhillinn.net") or url=lcase("berryhillinn.net") then response.Redirect("http://www.berryhillplantationresort.com") 'Code will help to track reffereal on Live Stats. %> <% end if if url=lcase("www.berryhillhotel.com") or url=lcase("berryhillhotel.com") then response.Redirect("http://www.berryhillplantationresort.com") 'Code will help to track reffereal on Live Stats. %> <% end if if url=lcase("www.berryhillhotel.net") or url=lcase("berryhillhotel.net") then response.Redirect("http://www.berryhillplantationresort.com") 'Code will help to track reffereal on Live Stats. %> <% end if End Sub %>